Longitudinal Study - Diversity Outbred (J:DO)
Project Aims: |
Characterization of healthspan and lifespan in DO mice investigating early through late life biomarkers of aging. Animals were bled at 3 timpoints (6, 12 and 18 months) and kept on the shelf until they died naturally.
Project Start/End Dates: | July 2011- June 2016 |
Strain(s): |
J:DO (Stock 009376) |
Quantity/Sex/Age of Animals: |
300 females and 300 males 6, 12, and 18 and 24 month timepoints |
Animal Room: |
G3 and B7 Temperature: 72o F +/-2o |
Diet: | 5K52 6% |
Completed Assays: | CBC, Blood Chem, FLOW, ELISA, MegaMUGA |
Open Resources: |
Lysed Blood Pellets IGFI Data